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Speaking Development Events

Speaking Development Events are designed to develop the ability of all FFA members to express themselves on a given subject. Students are encouraged to develop their communication skills and learn to formulate their remarks for presentation in a variety of situations. The state finals of the speaking development events are held in conjunction with the Texas FFA Convention in July.

Extemporaneous Public Speaking
Members learn how to think on their feet and make a case quickly and persuasively.  Contestants are given 30 minutes to prepare a speech on one of three randomly selected agricultural topics.  After delivering the speech, contestants may be asked questions about their speech and topic.

Senior Prepared Public Speaking
Each contestant writes and delivers a six- to eight-minute speech about a current agricultural subject of their choice.  Participants are then rated based on the written speech, speech delivery and their answers to judges’ questions.

Junior Prepared Public Speaking
Each contestant writes and delivers a five to eight minute speech about a current agricultural subject of their choice.  Participants are then rated based on the written speech, speech delivery and their answers to judges’ questions.

Soil Stewardship Prepared Public Speaking
Contestants write and deliver a six- to eight-minute speech in accordance with the year’s theme selected by the Texas State Soil and Water Conservation Board.  Prior to competition the speech must be presented to the local chapter and to at least one civic or school group if competing above the district level. 


2021-2022 SDE Practice Schedule


k to Texas FFA's SDE Page:

Texas FFA - SDE


Senior Prepared Public Speaking
Senior Prepared Public Speaking
Senior Prepared Public Speaking


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